Mobile 2 Preschool Art Gallery Exhibition Excursion

Published on 22 November 2023

Children looking at art exhibition

The children at Mobile 2 Preschool had the wonderful opportunity to visit an Art Gallery exhibition held in the Cabramatta Public School Hall. The children got to view artworks made by students across the grade and were encouraged to walk around, finding their favourite artworks. Our Educators aided by pointing to the collections on display and informing the children of what grade the student who created the artwork is in. 

Whilst immersing themselves in the experience, the children were excited to try and find artworks made by their friends and spot their own artwork to show their peers!

The experience created a chance for the children to develop a connection to their school community and be inspired byt the different types of art created.

“Learning in childhood happens largely through engagement with others and with the physical world” (Early Years Learning Framework)

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