Pathways to Preschool Playgroup

Join our free Pathways to Preschool Playgroup, run by experienced early childhood teachers and help your child develop the skills they will need to attend preschool in the future.

Meet and make friends with other families, while helping your child develop their social skills.

When: Mondays (during school terms)
Time: 9:45am to 11:45am
Where: Fairfield Library 
1/3 Hamilton Road, Fairfield
Age group: 1 – 4 years
Cost: FREE

When: Thursday (during school terms)
Time:9.30am to 11.30am
Where: Bonnyrigg Public School
Schools as Community Centre
16 - 18 Tarlington Parade, Bonnyrigg
Age group:1 – 4 years
Cost: FREE

When: Tuesday (during school terms)
Time:9.45am to 11.15am
Where: Bonnyrigg Library
100 Bonnyrigg Avenue, Bonnyrigg
Age group: 0– 3 years
Cost: FREE



To find out more or register your interest in a group please contact the Children and Family Services team:
9725 0363 


Start School Strong Parenting Program by Fairfield City Council featuring a young girl in a cardboard airplane flying amongst cartoon clouds and mountains  

Start School Strong 

The Start School Strong program provides early learning and development support mums, dads, carers and grandparents living in the Fairfield, Liverpool and Bankstown local government areas, with children up to six years old, through parenting sessions that discuss:

  • Ideas for helping young to be ready to start school confidently 
  • Information about playgrounds and preschools
  • Information about services that can support your family 

Children and Family Services Pathways to Preschool playgroup is for children who are too young to attend preschool or unable to attend preschool. Priority is given to children from the following demographic groups:

  • children with a disability
  • Aboriginal children
  • children from low income families
  • children from a culturally and linguistically diverse background
  • children who are at risk of significant harm (from a child protection perspective)
  • socially isolated families

Research has shown that caring, supportive environments that promote early childhood development increase a child’s chances of a successful transition to school, leading to better educational, employment and health outcomes.

Start Strong Pathways

In partnerships with the NSW Department of Education we help support the early learning needs of young children by offering families a pathway into early childhood education. These services also help expand a child’s social horizons beyond family and home-based interactions.

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Start Strong Pathways